The easier way. A CE marked manually controlled 1,9 tm crane.
If you want more muscle power combined with all the advantages of a lightweight unit, look no further than the HIAB T-018. With a lifting capacity of well over one tonne close-in, as well as a reach of more than four metres, the HIAB T-018 is designed for single-handed, on-thespot loading and unloading of medium to heavy products such as generators, compressors, compactors, pumps and bagged sand. That makes it especially at home on building sites, or anywhere else where access is difficult for other types of materials handling equipment.
- Constantly exposed to the elements, your crane needs the best in surface protection. HIAB nDurance is the industry’s most effective high-tech painting system, with a technologically advanced and environmentally sound process based on nanotechnology and e-coating. Your crane’s parts are first shielded by an ultra-thin nanoceramic layer that prevents corrosion. Afterwards they receive a lacquer polymer e-coating and a durable powder coating, which create stunning good looks that will last your crane’s lifetime.
- HybridDrive from HIAB combines operating flexibility with economy that benefits the environment. The T-series crane can perform a number of lifts while the engine is off, which allows a certain amount of loading or offloading with no fuel consumption, no emissions and minimal noise.
- CastBase from HIAB is your assurance of a durable, well-sealed crane mounting. When the base of your crane is cast instead of shielded by a plastic cover, it forms a tight barrier that keeps air and moisture out. That means the quality of your lubricant is maintained for longer, which in turn means trouble-free ownership and a crane that is always ready to go.
- HIAB Duo is the smart choice for manual control, with a cross-control setup that places the same lever sequence of both sides of the truck. Robust and reliable, it also has a built-in intelligence system that increases safety. Among the notable HIAB Duo safety features are a high boom warning, Overload Protection (OLP) and Automatic Duty Control (ADC). ADC, which senses the job being done, has the added benefit of providing a boost in capacity.
- HIAB loader cranes are built to perform, with strong materials and a quality of workmanship no other supplier can match. And because we build them with care, we stand behind them with confidence. Today all HIAB cranes come with a two-year standard warranty that applies to all components. Not only does it cover the parts you expect, it also covers the following wear parts: • Painting • Seals (both internal and external) • Flexible hoses
Техническая информация HIAB T-DUO 018
Видео HIAB T-серия
Видео HIAB T-Duo vs T-HiDuo